The Can is ThorCon’s heart. The Can contains the reactor, which we call the Pot, a primary loop heat exchanger (PHX), and a primary loop pump (PLP). The pump takes liquid fuelsalt — a mixture of sodium, beryllium, uranium and thorium fluorides — from the Pot at 704C, and pushes the fuelsalt over to the PHX at a rate of just under 3000 kg/s. Flowing downward through the PHX, the fuelsalt transfers heat to a secondary salt, and is cooled to 565C in the process. The fuelsalt then flows over to the bottom of the Pot, and rises through the reactor core, which is mostly filled with graphite blocks, called the moderator. This graphite slows the neutrons produced by the fissile uranium, allowing a portion of the uranium in the fuelsalt to fission as it rises through the Pot, heating the salt to 704C, and (indirectly) converting a portion of the thorium to fissile uranium. It’s just that simple; and just that magical.
The Pot pressure is 3 bar gage, about the same as a garden hose. The outlet temperature of 704C results in an overall plant efficiency of 46%, and a net electrical output per Can of 250 MW. To produce this power, the Can requires only 39 liters of uranium per year enriched to 19.7%. The Can is a cylinder 11.6 m high and 7.3 m in diameter. It weighs about 400 tons. The Can has only one major moving part, the primary loop pump.